Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Decisson to do the Love Dare

My husband and I have been together for 5 years. We have gone through every thing that could tear a marriage apart. Abuse, Infidelity, money trouble, loss of our car and home, and the worst was the loss of our daughter. After all of that we are still together. I wonder though, WHY we are still together. We feel like roommates, sex is infrequent, and when it happens it's often not at all special anymore. Things have become cold and distant. Even so, all that we've been through we are still together. That tells me we have something really special. Something worth saving. So I have decided to do the "Love Dare" as featured on the movie Fire Proof. This blog is going to chronicle the experience. We will see if this works out. D doesn't usually respond to things like this so we will see what happens. Thanks for taking the journey along with me! It should be interesting!